10 Hear the word of Jehovah,
O leaders of Sodom;
give heed to the law of our God,
you people of Gomorrah!
11 For what purpose are your abundant
sacrifices to me? says Jehovah.
I have had my fill of offerings of rams
and fat of fatted beasts;
the blood of bulls and sheep and he-goats
I do not want.
12 When you come to see me,
who requires you to trample my courts so?
13 Bring no more worthless offerings;
they are as a loathsome incense to me.
As for convening meetings at the New Month
and on the Sabbath,
wickedness with the solemn gathering
I cannot approve.
14 Your monthly and regular meetings
my soul detests.
They have become a burden on me;
I am weary of putting up with them.
15 When you spread forth your hands,
I will conceal my eyes from you;
though you pray at length, I will not hear—
your hands are filled with blood.