24 Therefore, thus says my Lord,
Jehovah of Hosts:
O my people who inhabit Zion,
be not afraid of the Assyrians,
though they strike you with the rod
or raise their staff over you,
as did the Egyptians.
25 For my anger will very soon come to an end;
my wrath will become their undoing.
26 Jehovah of Hosts will raise the whip against them,
as when he struck the Midianites
at the Rock of Oreb.
His staff is over the Sea,
and he will lift it over them
as he did to the Egyptians.
27 In that day their burdens shall be lifted
from your shoulders,
their yoke removed from your neck:
the yoke that wore away your fatness
shall by fatness wear away.
28 He advances on Aiath, passes through Migron;
at Micmash he marshals his weaponry.
29 They cross over the pass,
stopping overnight at Geba.
Ramah is in a state of alarm,
Gibeah of Saul is fleeing.
30 Cry out, O Daughter of Gallim!
Hear her, Laishah; answer her, Anathoth!
31 Madmenah has moved out of the way,
the inhabitants of Gebim are in full flight.
32 This same day he will but pause at Nob
and signal the advance
against the mountain of the Daughter of Zion,
the hill of Jerusalem.
33 Then will my Lord, Jehovah of Hosts,
shatter the towering trees with terrifying power;
the high in stature shall be hewn down,
the lofty ones leveled.
34 The dense forests shall be battered down
with the force of iron,
and Lebanon fall spectacularly.
2 The Spirit of Jehovah will rest upon him—
the spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
the spirit of counsel and of valor,
the spirit of knowledge
and of the fear of Jehovah.
3 His intuition will be guided
by the fear of Jehovah;
he will not judge by what his eyes see,
nor establish proof by what his ears hear.
4 He will judge the poor with righteousness,
and with equity arbitrate for the lowly in the land;
he will smite the earth with the rod of his mouth
and with the breath of his lips slay the wicked.
5 Righteousness will be as a band about his waist,
faithfulness a girdle round his loins.
6 Then shall the wolf dwell among lambs
and the leopard lie down with young goats;
calves and young lions will feed together,
and a youngster will lead them to pasture.
7 When a cow and bear browse,
their young will rest together;
the lion will eat straw like the ox.
8 A suckling infant will play near the adder’s den,
and the toddler reach his hand
over the viper’s nest.
9 There shall be no harm or injury done
throughout my holy mountain,
for the earth shall be filled
with the knowledge of Jehovah
as the oceans are overspread with waters.
10 In that day the sprig of Jesse,
who stands for an ensign to the peoples,
shall be sought by the nations,
and his rest shall be glorious.
11 In that day my Lord will again raise his hand
to reclaim the remnant of his people—
those who shall be left out of Assyria,
Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hamath,
and the islands of the sea.
12 He will raise the ensign to the nations
and assemble the exiled of Israel;
he will gather the scattered of Judah
from the four directions of the earth.
13 Ephraim’s jealousy shall pass away
and the hostile ones of Judah be cut off;
Ephraim will not envy Judah,
nor Judah resent Ephraim.
14 But they will swoop on the Philistine flank
toward the west,
and together plunder those to the east;
they will take Edom and Moab at hand’s reach,
and the Ammonites will obey them.
15 Jehovah will dry up the tongue
of the Egyptian Sea by his mighty wind;
he will extend his hand over the River
and smite it into seven streams
to provide a way on foot.
16 And there shall be a pathway out of Assyria
for the remnant of his people who shall be left,
as there was for Israel
when it came up from the land of Egypt.